4 Things I Learned Working At A Drum Cymbal Company

Hey! I'm Liz, one of the owners of Full Circle Co. I wanted to share a little bit of the backstory behind how Full Circle Co. came to be and my previous experience working at a drum cymbal company (spoiler alert: it was awesome).

While most people think that cymbals are loud and noisy, musicians know that cymbals add energy and beautiful sounds to songs. What most people don’t know is the process it takes to create just one cymbal.

As a previous employee of Meinl Cymbals in Nashville, TN, I got to understand the process firsthand and hear about things that most people never do. Cymbals are a work of art! Here are 4 things I learned while I worked at a drum cymbal company.

1. No two cymbals are created equal
There's a lot of variables that go into making a cymbal - from the type of metal used, to the finishing process, to the overall size of the cymbal, the bell size, the thickness, each cymbal is a work of art. Which also means no two cymbals sound exactly the same. 

2. Making cymbals is extremely labor intensive
If you ever ask the question "why are these cymbals so expensive?", it's most likely because the process to make those cymbals is painstakingly labor intensive. From melting down copper, to physically hand hammering the cymbal - it's a time consuming and laborious process for great sound!

3. Sustaining your cymbals
There's tips and tricks to keep your cymbals sounding great and lasting long. Make sure to always loosen your cymbal wingnut so that your cymbals have space to move when hit (essentially some space to breathe!). If not, crack (especially at the bell) will more easily form. Also, slightly point your cymbals down (about 30 degree angle) when playing. Lastly, people seem to think that thicker cymbals will last longer. This isn't the case, as a thinner cymbal will actually more efficiently absorb the blow of a hit, while a thicker cymbal will not (which makes cracks inevitable).

4. More Than Just Cymbals
Not only are cymbals beautiful noise makers, they also are a form of expression. These pies not only let you found your sound in a song, but even after drum use can be turned into seriously awesome things. Our necklaces, earrings and openers are some examples of what you can do with reclaimed drum cymbals.